Shred Station’s school trip to Winterton Primary School
Shred Station drivers, James and Garry, recently visited Winterton Primary School for the school’s Career Week event. They had a wonderful time talking to the children about data security and recycling.
Armed with plenty of Simon Shred activity books, blue bin pen pots and recycled pens, our shredding specialists taught the children the importance of not sharing personal information and what to do with any personal information they need to throw away.
A fun day out for James and Garry!
Starting in the classroom, James and Garry asked the children to each write their name, address and date of birth on a piece of coloured paper. With this data in hand, they thanked the children for their information and told them they would be round for dinner at the weekend! While James and Garry are a lovely pair, the children did not like the thought of two strangers in their house one bit! This helped James and Garry to explain why personal data like this needs to be kept safe.
Next, the class headed outside to look at our on-site shredding truck. There, Garry loaded the coloured paper and the school’s confidential waste into the onboard shredder. This meant the pupils could watch the shredding take place on the truck’s CCTV screen. James then showed the children many other cool security features of the truck. The class had lots of fun questions, which the duo were more than happy to answer.
James said:
“I was amazed at what these kids, aged around 5 or 6 years old, knew at their age. They were very clever and curious to learn about the other materials we shred. Garry has also been given a new nickname by the children – Nice Garry – so that was good fun. All in all, it was an amazing day”.
A big thank you to Winterton Primary School for having us, and a big thank you also to James and Nice Garry.
If you’d like some Simon Shred activity books for your school, get in touch today!

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