Shred Station wins two National Recycling Awards!
Shred Station was named the winner of two highly prestigious National Recycling Awards at an awards ceremony on the 8th of December. This included the Independent Operator of the Year award and the Social Value Initiative – Project award.
Independent Operator of the Year – National Recycling Awards
The Independent Operator of the Year Award was to recognise a business that has shown exceptional customer service, market innovation, growth and high performance over the past twelve months. The whole Shred Station team is delighted to win this award. We feel it is a testament to our solid strategy, positive business performance, and dedication to our customers.
The judges for this award commented:
“The judges felt this clearly showed impressive plans to invest in and grow the business as well as to bring technology and innovation into the sector and react to changes in the market. It had strong employee engagement and a strong commitment to health and safety and improved data capture in this area”.
Thank you to Reconomy for sponsoring this category.
Social Value Initiative – National Recycling Awards
Shred Station also won the Social Value Initiative – Project award. This award recognises our commitment to bringing social benefit to our local communities. We received this award for our contributions to the Frontline Faceshields project. This project, started by Colin Breckons, saw 50,000 face shields created for front line NHS and care staff during the first wave of the pandemic. At this time there was a national shortage of PPE.
For this award, the judges said:
“The judges commented on this great example of coming together and rapidly responding to a crisis in an innovative way. It’s a demonstration of social value at its best: not only responding to an initial emergency, but also then solving the secondary problem of waste generated”.
Thank you very much to the hosts at the National Recycling Awards for organising such an enjoyable awards ceremony. Our team had a fantastic time. Congratulations also to all of the other finalists and winners.

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