
GoGo Dragons logo

Shred Station are proud sponsors of GoGo Dragons! Norwich 2015

GoGoDragons! 2015 is an interactive arts sculpture trail event organised by the charity Break and Wild in Art. 80+ dragon sculptures will be brought to life on the streets of Norwich this summer. Shred Station is supporting this fantastic charity event by sponsoring the GoGo Dragon “Dragon Fly” which is to be designed and painted.

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Recycling logo

Shred Station continue their green initiatives in 2015

We take Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seriously at Shred Station continuing to implement new features, playing our part in the battle against climate change, and working towards operating as a carbon neutral business. At the end of 2014 a solar panel system was installed at the Norwich plant. The solar panels generate 150% of the.

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Shred Station’s Norwich plant proud to be a carbon neutral operation

The Norwich plant is now producing carbon neutral electricity with the installation of a solar panel system on the roof of the building. The solar panel system will provide ethical power to the Norwich plant. Any excess electricity generated by the system will go back into the grid for others to use. The solar panel.

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