
Image of saplings planted by Shred Station

Six Ways We Can All Protect the Environment

Here at Shred Station, we pride ourselves on being an eco-friendly and environmentally responsible company. Amongst our numerous environmental commitments, we have zero tolerance for landfill, a carbon-offsetting scheme, a solar-powered head office, and we recycle 100% of the paper we shred. It is our belief that businesses of all sizes should do everything they.

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image of computer screen containing data

10 Simple Steps Towards Data Breach Prevention in the Workplace

You will have heard terms such as ‘data breach’ and ‘cyber-attack’ being used more and more in recent years, with cyber-crimes often reported across local and global news.  As our reliance on technology has grown, data breaches have become commonplace. Thieves and fraudsters are no longer just the cliché shady characters sneaking around after dark..

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