
Image of man walking camel in front of a wind turbine

Shred Station’s CarbonNeutral® Commitments for 2020

Since opening our doors in 2008, our mission was to offer secure data destruction services to UK businesses and individuals with minimal impacts on the environment. We’ve always cared about how the actions we take affect the world around us. In 2019, we became a CarbonNeutral® certified company. We’ve taken many measures to reduce our.

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Fraud Alert - Fraud is now the UK's most common crime

Fraud is the Most Common Crime in England and Wales

Fraud is now the most common crime in England and Wales, with 3,797,000 incidents reported last year. That’s 9% more than the number of fraud incidents reported in England and Wales in 2018. But why are fraud crimes on the increase, and what can we all do to protect ourselves against it? Fraud costs the.

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Image of Emily Bridges, Shred Station's Employee of the Month January 2020

Shred Station’s Employee of the Month – January 2020

Recognising the efforts of our employees is incredibly important to us. That’s why, this year, we are pleased to be launching a peer-voted Employee of the Month award. We introduced our peer-voted Employee of the Month this year as a way to document and celebrate the accomplishments of our hard-working team of staff. We’ve also.

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Image of a forest shrouded in haze

How to Reduce and Offset Your Individual Carbon Emissions

Around 40% of the UK’s carbon emissions come from households, with the average person’s carbon footprint being around 10 tonnes per year. That’s enough to each fill over two hot air balloons. If everyone committed to reducing carbon emissions, that could make a huge difference to the environment. As climate change gains momentum, weather conditions.

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Shred Station in the Community

Shred Station in the Local Community

At Shred Station, we believe it’s important to do good in our local communities. Our head office in Norwich is home to around 50 members of staff. Our staff receive regular praise and positive feedback from customers who have used us as their confidential waste supplier. However, we do more than organise the collection and destruction of.

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