
Picture of the Sindh Wind Farm, part of the West India Wind Project.

Our CarbonNeutral® Commitments for 2021

Environmental commitments are nothing new to us at Shred Station. Since our formation, our focus has always been on offering secure services while also safeguarding the environment around us. We have a huge number of previous and ongoing eco commitments and have been CarbonNeutral® certified since 2019. This year is no different. Our CarbonNeutral® commitments for.

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We’re through to the finals!

We are so pleased to announce that we’re through to the finals of the British Security Awards 2021! Shred Station has been selected as finalists for not one but two awards at this year’s British Security Awards! We couldn’t be more delighted. The two categories Shred Station has been nominated for are the “Environmental Project.

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Image to show desk with confidential materials.

Why now is the perfect time for a spring clean of your confidential materials.

Spring has sprung, and as spring cleaning begins, could now also be the perfect time for a spring clean of your confidential materials? Many scientific and psychological studies show that being in a cluttered environment can cause higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone).¹ It can also result in a reduced ability to concentrate.² In.

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Image of person working remotely, taken by Annie Spratt via Unsplash.

How to assist your remote teams with data security

In post-COVID Britain, an estimated 44% of us are still working remotely or in hybrid roles. But without the protection of on-premise security and information protection measures, how can you best assist your remote teams with data security? Education and Staff Training. One of the best ways to ensure data security for remote workers is.

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Earth Day 2021 Image for Shred Station's journey towards being carbon negative

Our journey towards being carbon negative

At Shred Station, safeguarding the environment is one of our top priorities. Since our formation in 2008, we’ve been operating with the environment in mind. We’ve done this through many different ecological commitments and policies, including being CarbonNeutral® certified since January 2019. So, where do we go from here? This Earth Day, we’re pleased to.

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