
Shred Station team receiving Green Apple Environment Award

Shred Station wins International Green Apple Environment Award!

Shred Station has won an International Green Apple Environment Award in the campaign to find the world’s greenest companies! Competing against over five hundred other nominees, Shred Station has been confirmed as a winner of this highly prestigious award. Shred Station was presented with the Green Apple trophy at The Green Organisation’s glittering awards ceremony.

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How do you get rid of confidential waste?

How do you get rid of confidential waste? This is a question many people ask themselves, and also a question many people ask us. There are measures everyone should take to stop their confidential waste from ending up in the wrong hands. There are also many measures we take to ensure the materials people trust.

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How does degaussing work?

Degaussers are machines that erase the data from hard drives. Using powerful electromagnetic currents, they render hard drives unusable. So, how does a degausser work? To understand how degaussers work, first, we have to understand how hard drives work. Hard drives store your data on something called a platter. The platter is the part of.

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Our Employees of the Quarter.

Our Employees of the Quarter – 2021 Q3

At Shred Station, we’re incredibly proud of our team of staff. Their dedication to customer satisfaction, industry knowledge, and hard work is second-to-none. That’s why, each quarter, to recognise the efforts of our teams, we have a peer-voted Employee of the Quarter award. This encourages our teams to share positive comments about their peers across.

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Document with magnifying glass

Things you shouldn’t shred.

It may seem strange, a shredding service provider advising you not to shred your confidential materials. While we certainly do recommend a Shred Everything policy for all documents you no longer need, there are some things you shouldn’t shred. At the forefront of things you shouldn’t shred comes all documents and identification materials that you.

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