Our 2023 Q3 Employees of the Quarter
We are pleased to announce our peer-voted Employees of the Quarter for 2023 Q3.
As each quarter comes to a close, our workforce anonymously votes for the colleagues they feel deserve a little bit of extra recognition in the form of an Employee of the Quarter award. A winner is chosen from each of the three depots, and a fourth winner is selected from office and remote-based staff. Each winner receives a voucher and three months of prestige.
Our winners for 2023 Q3 are…
Harlow Depot – Szymon Gojtowski!
Szymon is an HGV Driver based at our Harlow Depot. He has worked at Shred Station for a year and a half and has quickly become a well-liked and well-respected member of the Harlow team.
Here are the reasons Szymon’s colleagues voted for him this quarter:
“Very reliable and hardworking driver, nothing is ever a problem for him”
“Szymon is always so cheerful and happy, he never complains and deals with the majority of queries himself. He is well-liked by all the staff here at Harlow”
“He is always kind, smiley and helpful”.
Great praise, Szymon! Well done.
Manchester Depot – Rares Giurgiu!
Our Manchester Depot winner is another HGV driver – Rares Giurgiu. Rares has been with us for almost four years and always receives lots of positive feedback in our Employee of the Quarter awards. We are so pleased that Rares has won this quarter. Here are some of the comments from his nominations.
“So happy and willing to help!”
“He thinks of others before himself”
“Rares is hardworking and always goes the extra mile when needed”
“The best without any doubt”.
Excellent work, Rares!
Norwich Depot – Luke Redhead!
Luke, one of our Maintenance Engineers, is this quarter’s winner from our Norwich Depot. He is the son of our Head of Maintenance, Andy, and has been very quick to learn the ins and outs of our industrial shredding machinery. While Norwich-based, Luke and Andy travel across the country each week fixing and maintaining our shredders, both at our depots and on board our on-site shredding trucks. Our Engineering Team keeps our whole operation running like clockwork, so we are so pleased to have an engineer as this quarter’s winner.
Here are the reasons that Luke was Norwich Depot’s winner this quarter:
“Luke has a great attitude to work”
“Very willing, has a good character. Exudes positivity. Manages to do all of his work and not get as dirty as Andy. Is an essential cog in the smooth-running of Shred Station’s machinery”
“For keeping calm and carrying on”
“For being the Engineering Team’s representative in our One Minute With video series. It was important to me to include a member of the Engineering Team in the series but they are a camera-shy bunch. I know Luke wasn’t massively keen on doing it but he did it anyway – and was actually very good. Massively appreciated. Thanks Luke”
Thank you for all of your hard work, Luke!
All office-based/remote staff – Emily!
Emily is Shred Station’s Marketing Manager and she has been with the company for almost five years. Emily’s days are never the same. A typical day, however, could include creating graphics, writing content, creating presentations, managing our CRM system or being roped into IT support. She is extremely gifted at writing about herself in the third person, but, as our Norwich office staff know too well, makes a terrible cup of tea. Despite lacking in tea-making abilities, Emily still received some lovely votes this quarter.
“All the work in the background we don’t see/hear about, working away quietly and I think needs to be recognised. Friendly, approachable, funny and just a general all-around nice person!”
“Emily is always helpful no matter what, she is very approachable and friendly. She is always available to assist when needed. She is amazing at her job and really has great knowledge!! Thank you for everything you do Em!”
“I could write a book on how incredible Emily is but keeping it short – Emily always works hard, incredibly talented, creative, supportive and compassionate. Emily is an absolute asset to Shred Station and would be a well-deserved winner of Employee of the Quarter”
“Em is such an important part of Shred Station. She makes our office a better place to be, she organises all of our fun days out and office events and on top of all that her door is always open for anyone looking for support. Shred Station would be a much more dull place without her, she brightens up our days!”
Well done to all of our winners and thank you to our staff for voting.
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