Name Our Shredding Trucks Competition – Brundall School Presentation
Schools local to our Norwich head office recently took part in a competition to ‘Name Our Shredding Trucks’, with a prize on offer for each winning name selected to appear on a truck.
Simon Franklin, Managing Director of Shred Station, came up with the idea for the competition saying “We wanted to name our trucks in a more interesting and memorable way than we currently identify them. I thought it would be fun to throw it out there to some schools to help us come up with the names.”
Entry forms were distributed to the 8 schools taking part, which included a factsheet on the environmental benefits of a Mobile Shredding service and an opportunity to design and colour a picture of a truck.
“We had a fantastic response from the children with some brilliant names and truck designs. Many of the children were having fun after the competition spotting our shredding trucks driving around. We also received a note from one child to say they were excited to spot our advert in a Norwich City FC program.”
Shred Station were kindly invited by Brundall School to join their end of term assembly and present prizes to two children who had winning names.
The winning names from Brundall School were Shreddosaurus and Shreddy McShredFace. Keep your eyes peeled for the Shred Station shredding trucks in the next few weeks to see if you can spot some of the other names.