Our Mug Design Competition!
Check out these marvellous mug designs!
In April 2024, we asked our employees to get involved in creating a design to feature on our new Shred Station mugs. With help from their family’s little ones, we received a selection of 18 wonderful works of art to choose from. However, we need your help in choosing the winning design!

Every child that submitted a drawing will receive their very own Shred Station mug featuring their amazing artwork. Plus, the overall winner will also get a family afternoon out at Putt Putt Social in Norwich.
With the designs including everything from rainbows to robots, we had a hard time choosing a winner. So, we’ve opened it up to a public vote! You can vote for your favourite by visiting our voting survey. Votes will close on Friday 31st May 2024, and we will announce the winner on Monday 3rd June.

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