Image of Kristian Carter, Commercial Director at Shred Station and Chair of the BSIA's ID section.

Commercial Director, Kristian Carter, re-elected as Chair of BSIA’s Information Destruction section.

Shred Station’s Commercial Director, Kristian Carter, has been re-elected as Chair of the BSIA’s Information Destruction section.

What is the BSIA?

The British Security Industry Association – or the BSIA – is the trade association for the professional security industry in the UK. The association has been around since 1967 and has over five-hundred member organisations.

The Information Destruction section, where Kristian is Chair, has forty-four section members including Shred Station. Members of the Information Destruction section are typically organisations that securely destroy confidential information including materials like paper, hard drives, textiles, products and more.

What does being a Chair of the BSIA Information Destruction section involve?

Kristian first took up the position as Chair of the BSIA’s Information Destruction section back in 2021. After a successful two-year term, he has just been re-elected and will serve for a further two years! But what does being a Chair of the BSIA Information Destruction section involve?

Kristian comments:

“Being Chair, I have the opportunity to bring together voices from across the information destruction industry and from different association members. Together, we work to increase standards and improve the industry for the good of all.”

“Recently the BSIA has been involved in the upcoming revision of EN 15713 standards, so that has taken up a good amount of time. Throughout the process, we worked hard to ensure all organisations were aware of the revision’s changes and had the opportunity to voice their thoughts in the peer-review stage. The revision is expected to be released this year and will improve EN 15713 standards for all European businesses that take Information Destruction seriously.”

“As Chair of the ID section, I also attend BSIA operating board meetings which consider all sections. In these meetings, we come together to work through how the BSIA as an organisation is run”.

Congratulations to Kristian on his re-election!

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