We Invest in People
It’s incredibly important to us that our team of hard-working, security-vetted staff are happy and feel fulfilled in their roles.

Staff Training
There are many links between staff training and employee satisfaction. Our staff all receive regular training internally around data protection, health and safety, and other training related to their specific roles. Many of our staff also attend specialist conferences or events, helping to generate ideas, improve operations, and better the services we offer to customers.
Equal Opportunities
We are committed to promoting a good and harmonious working environment in which all persons are treated with respect and feel safe. We do not discriminate on the grounds of gender, gender identity, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, age, or marital status. If you would like to see our Equal Opportunities Policy, please get in touch.
Positive Recognition and Employee Morale
We understand that employee recognition and praise are linked to a happier workforce, higher levels of motivation, productivity, a lower staff turnover, and the ability to retain top talent. Our staff turnover is incredibly low, and we believe our team of shredding experts are the best in the shredding business. All positive feedback we receive gets passed onto the team members involved with setting up and making the collections, meaning positive messages are constantly being spread amongst teams.
We also have a head office dog, Charlie. Being around dogs can boost morale, and studies have shown that employees with access to dogs have higher levels of job satisfaction than industry norms. Charlie certainly keeps us amused, and he loves to impress us with his many tricks and unique singing voice.
The Wall of Praise
Our Wall of Praise, started up by our Operations Coordinator, is a large display at our Norwich site containing positive feedback customers have sent in about our team of drivers. This has helped to motivate our team of staff on the road, and ensures their hard work is publicly recognised and visible to all who work in the Norwich site.
Employee Awards
At the start of 2020, we also introduced an anonymous, peer-voted Employee Awards. We feel that these awards are an important way to document and celebrate the accomplishment of our staff members, and have found that it’s been a great way to encourage positive feedback between teams. Some of the more detailed feedback about nominees is shared in company-wide emails, making sure hard work is recognised.